"Then he led out his people like sheep and guided them in the wilderness like a flock."
Psalm 78, 53
Our faith is founded on the deep conviction that God is the Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Through His Son Jesus Christ, we have direct access to Him and experience His unconditional love.
The Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sent as our Helper, guides and strengthens us in our daily lives. For us, the Bible is the sole authoritative, infallible, and inspired Word of God, serving as a reliable guide through the Holy Spirit. We are saved by grace, not by our own works.

Our faith in God's love and power is central. We see the Bible as the inspired Word of God, serving as a reliable guide through the Holy Spirit. Our doors are open to all who wish to grow, learn, and spread God's love with us.
Our vision is to create a space for "holistic" Christianity. This means that our relationship with God is evident in our daily lives, in our highs and lows, in our friendships and families, and has a positive impact on our environment. Our goal is to meet and support people exactly where they are in their lives, just as Jesus did, providing guidance and support in word and deed. It starts with our youngest and continues through to our oldest members.

Come and experience it for yourself!
Our church is more than just a place of worship - it is a vibrant meeting point where encounter and community are at the forefront. We warmly invite you to become part of our vision and live out God's love with us. The world needs more of this love - join us as we bring it to life! Our doors are open to all who wish to grow, learn, and spread God's love with us.